Holden Heights is a city in the Central Florida area of the United States. It is a census-designated place (CDP) that is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee MSA. The city’s population is projected to reach 4,181 in 2020. This makes it the 501st largest city in Florida and the 7376th largest city in the United States. The population of Holden Heights is growing at a rate of 1.01% per year, and has increased by about 2.05% since the last census. Its population density is 4,077 people per square mile, and its median rent is slightly higher than the national median. Next Article.
The working population in Holden Heights is composed of primarily service and sales occupations. This includes major sales accounts and jobs in fast food restaurants. The second most common group of occupations is manufacturing. This group represents 28.8% of the working population in the city. In addition, 10.0% of the residents are in clerical, assistant, and tech support jobs. The language spoken by the local population is English. Spanish is also spoken in some households.
The average commute time for people living in the Holden Heights area is between 15 and 30 minutes each way. That’s significantly less than the time most Americans spend commuting. It is also estimated that most residents in the area spend less than 15 minutes per day commuting to work. However, it’s still far from the fastest way to work.
Holden Heights has a relatively low rate of poverty. Although it is still a low income neighborhood, its residents have a higher income than the average American neighborhood. Furthermore, the area has fewer children in poverty than 71.1% of the nation. The economic status of a neighborhood plays a big role in the quality of life of the people living in the area. Learn More.
The community of Holden Heights is home to several great restaurants and coffee shops. You can grab a cup of coffee from the nearby Chick-fil-A or enjoy weekend brunch at the Dragon King. If you’re into sweet treats, there’s Panera Bread, Carvel Express, and Jeremiah’s Italian Ice. Holden Heights, FL is also home to several beautiful churches. There’s a Woodhaven Baptist Church, the New Apostolic Church, and the Sacred Heart Traditional Catholic Church. The Oakridge Tap Room, Eden Fresh Co, and Burton’s Bar are also excellent choices for dining in the neighborhood.
Parents also need to consider the local school system when selecting a new community. Many local school districts have good ratings for elementary schools, but this is not always the case for middle and high schools. In such cases, the parents should contact the school districts to confirm their ratings for each school. Lastly, if you and your family require medical attention, there are some excellent urgent care facilities in Holden Heights.
If you’re planning a road trip to the Orlando area, consider checking out some of the smaller towns surrounding the area. While the Orlando metro area has a high crime index, the suburban towns in the south have low crime rates. You can search for towns and cities within 100 miles of Orlando to see which ones you’d like to visit.